Learn French With Alexa
Beginner speaking Practice

Salut ,

Join our beginner speaking practice, perfect for A0/A1 French-level learners. Get 10 weeks of structured French speaking practice, designed to help you speak conversational French at A1 level.

We recognise how important it is to practise your French speaking, so why not practise with your online classmates?

The aim of this speaking practice is to help you improve your French speaking skills in small groups, growing your confidence and learning to express yourself in cross-cultural conversations.


$260 USD for 10 sessions

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Learn all about the French immersion holiday with Alexa and Celtina. Explore the Fontaine de Vaucluse and its culture.

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Looking for some extra practice? The extended version of our latest YouTube video is now available. Practise your French adverbs TRĂˆS, TROP and BEAUCOUP!

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Just how many people live in l'Hexagone and its overseas departments?

Speak French with Me

Learn, practise and perfect your French speaking skills with me, one on one! This lesson will give you a sense of what it's like to have a conversation with a native French speaker.

Trustpilot Review Lancy Christy
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