Learn French With Alexa
50 Irregular verbs

Salut ,

Want to be able to speak French ‘with your fingers in your nose’? Looking for a route to fluency that doesn’t ‘cost the eyes in your head’?

Idioms are fun, often nonsensical, and absolutely essential for anyone who wants to learn French as it’s spoken in day-to-day life.

From ‘falling in the panel’ (tomber dans le panneau) to ‘eating on the thumb’ (manger sur le pouce), there is a French idiom for every occasion.

Alexa’s 50 French Idioms is the perfect solution. Arranged by category, and complete with literal and non-literal translations of each idiom, as well as example sentences, this indispensable guide introduces you to a range of the most common idioms used in French.

Find 50 irregular verbs lists and more here


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