Learn French With Alexa
France Channel 1

We know finding quality content to watch in French can be tricky, and passive learning is vital to improving your French. You’ll be pleased to know that watching TV is one of the best ways to do it!


France Channel is a unique streaming service with over 4,000 French movies, TV shows and documentaries available to watch whenever you want, wherever you are.


Use code 'Alexa15' for 15% off your French Channel subscription.


Visit www.frenchchannel.tv for more information.


Please note that France Channel is currently only available in the US, but will be available in both the UK and Canada in 2024.

Speak French with Me

Learn, practice and perfect a spoken French conversation 1 to 1 with me! This is perfect for beginners who are trying to learn French and how you might hear an everyday French conversation.

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How French has changed over time! Some words do not mean the same as they used to.

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Get familiar with these important dates in the French calendar.

Trustpilot Review Lancy Christy
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