Learn French With Alexa
Speak French with Alexa

Salut ,


Practise a short French-speaking exercise with me. In this video, I'll go through a short French dialogue to help you master your French-speaking skills.

Alexas Starter Guide to french conjugation

This starter guide is the perfect introduction to French conjugations. The guide focuses on 20 of the most common verbs in French, across the 3 different verb groups, including the auxiliaries Être and Avoir.

Understand the imperfect tense

Learn the conjugations, rules, and usage of the imperfect tense, allowing you to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past with ease.

All the ways to use the word DE in French

I'm going to explain all the many uses of the word DE and exactly how to use it yourself!

Dreamstime m 5993861

If you ever find yourself in a corner shop in France, trying to choose a postcard to send back home, you’ll probably struggle to choose one of these.

Trustpilot Review Zahra Yusuf
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