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Est-ce que ?


Objectifs de la leçon

1. to learn how to ask a question using: est-ce que


A2 - niveau usuel (elementary)

    Utilisation de "est-ce que"

    We use est-ce que to ask a question.

    There is no translation for this expression.

    It is simply an easy way of turning a sentence into a question.

    The word order of the sentence remains the same, you just add est-ce que in front of it.

    It is slightly less formal than using the inversion (verb+pronoun).



    - Est-ce que tu es français(e) ?
    Are you French?

    - Est-ce que tu viens au cinéma avec nous ce soir ?
    Are you coming to the movies with us tonight?

    - Est-ce que vous mangez au restaurant aujourd'hui ?
    Are you eating at the restaurant today?


    - Est-ce que les enfants sont allés à la piscine hier ?
    Did the children go to the swimming pool yesterday?

    - Est-ce qu'elles ont fini leurs devoirs ?
    Have they finished their homework?

    Notice that the e in que disappears when it is followed by a word starting with a vowel.


    Translate the following questions into French using est-ce que:

    1. Do you like apples?

    2. Do you have a brother?

    3. Have you eaten your vegetables?


    1. Est-ce que tu aimes les pommes ?

    2. Est-ce que tu as un frère ?

    3. Est-ce que tu as mangé tes légumes ?