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Imparfait vs. conditionnel


Objectifs de la leçon

  1. to understand the difference between the imparfait (imperfect) and the conditionnel (conditional) and when to use them.


B1 - niveau seuil (intermediate)

    Rappel : imparfait

    The imparfait is a past tense. The closest translation for it is the Imperfect or Past progressive or continuous.

    It is used to describe an action which used to happen (habit) or was happening and carried on over a period of time (ongoing action):

    It is used to describe an action that was going on when an event suddenly happened:

    It is used in landscape, weather descriptions, etc.:

    It is used to describe memories, feelings:

    Rappel : conditionnel

    The conditionnel is a tense which describes an action that may happen if another action takes place:

    I would go out if the weather was nice.


    Imparfait vs conditionnel

    Why compare these two tenses? Well, it is because the endings of the imperfect and conditional are exactly the same.

    Différence ?

    How to distinguish between these two tenses? The sound varies. You will hear R for the conditional, because the stem used in the conditional is the same one as in the future tense.

    Example with a Group 1 verb:

    Example with a Group 2 verb:

    Examples with Group 3 verbs:


    I would buy a house if I had the money.
    J’achèterais une maison si j’avais l’argent.

    Tom would go to France if his friends came with him.
    Tom irait en France si ses amis venaient avec lui.

    Tom and I would come with you if we had the time.
    Tom et moi viendrions avec vous si nous avions le temps.