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Emmener vs. amener


Objectifs de la leçon

1. to understand the difference between amener and emmener
2. to learn when to use these verbs


B1 - niveau seuil (intermediate)


    As you will notice, the verbs amener and emmener are formed of a core verb, mener, and a prefix. It is therefore important to know the meaning of both components.


    Mener means to lead, but also to carry out.

    - Ce chemin mène au village.
    This path leads to the village.

    - Il mène une mission importante.
    He is carrying out an important mission.


    In amener, the prefix a- is used to emphasize the destination.

    Amener means to take someone to a place, usually leaving him/her there. It only applies to people/animals, not to object. For objects, we use apporter (please refer to my video on apporter vs emporter).

    - J'amène
    les enfants à la crèche, puis je vais au travail.
    I take the children to the nursery, then I go to work.

    It is also used in the expression:

    - Qu'est-ce qui t'amène ?

    What brings you here?


    In emmener, the prefix em- is used to emphasize the starting point.

    Emmener refers to leaving a place and taking someone along with you. It only applies to people/animals, not to object. For objects, we use emporter (please refer to my video on apporter vs emporter).

    - Ce soir, je t'emmène au restaurant.
    Tonight, I am taking you out to the restaurant (with me).


    Please complete the following sentences using the right verb: mener, emmener or amener.

    1. Tom __________ son fils à l'école.

    2. Tu m’___________ au cinéma ?

    3. Ma fille est malade, je dois l’__________ chez le médecin.

    4. Ce bus vous __________ à la gare du Nord.

    5. Ce couloir __________ à la salle à manger.

    6. Fred _________ toujours son chien avec lui.

    7. La police __________ l’enquête.

    8. Qu’est-ce qui vous ____________ ?

    9. Ce soir, je t' __________ au théâtre.


      1. Tom amène son fils à l'école.
      Tom is taking his son to school.

      2. Tu m’emmènes au cinéma ?
      Are you taking me to the cinema?

      3. Ma fille est malade, je dois l’emmener chez le médecin.
      My daughter is ill, I must take her to the doctor.

      4. Ce bus vous amène à la gare du Nord.
      This bus takes you to Gare du Nord.

      5. Ce couloir mène à la salle à manger.
      This corridor leads to the dining room.

      6. Fred emmène toujours son chien avec lui.
      Fred is always taking his dog with him.

      7. La police mène l’enquête.
      The police is carrying out the investigation

      8. Qu’est-ce qui vous amène ?
      What brings you here?

      9. Ce soir, je t'emmène au théâtre.
      Tonight, I am taking you to the theatre.