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Group 3 irregular verbs - passé composé


Objectifs de la leçon

1. to revise how to conjugate irregular (group 3 verbs) in the passé composé
2. to practise using irregular (group 3 verbs) in the passé composé


A2 - niveau usuel (elementary)

    Passé composé - verbes irréguliers (3e groupe)

    What is the passé composé ?

    It is a past tense equivalent to the present perfect and simple past in English, referring to an action that took place in the past, and is over.

    How is it formed?

    subject pronoun + auxiliary avoir (to have) or être (to be) in the present tense + past participle of the conjugated verb.

    How to form the past participle with irregular verbs?

    Forming the past participle of irregular verbs is difficult as it doesn't necessarily follow a pattern. Please learn the main verbs' past participle by heart.

    Examples of irregular 3rd group verbs:

    1. prendre - to take = j'ai pris* (I have taken/I took)
    2. boire - to drink = nous avons bu (we have drunk/we drank)
    3. être - to be = Il a été (he has been/he was)

    *past participle


    avoir (present tense)

    être (present tense)

    Only reflexive verbs and movement verbs use être in the passé composé.

    Other verbs from the third group and their past participles:


    Put the verb in brackets into the passé composé

    1. Tom _____________________ te donner sa veste. (vouloir)
    2. Nous ____________________ du train à Marseille. (descendre)
    3. Alice et Tom _________________ un gâteau ensemble. (faire)
    4. Je _________________ le dernier film de Steven Spielberg hier. (voir)
    5. Tom et toi _____________________ à parler français. (apprendre)
    6. Tu ____________________ en lui. (croire/negation)
    7. Tom et moi ____________________ à Paris le mois dernier. (aller)
    8. Ils _____________________ de la chance. (avoir)
    9. Il ____________________ une mauvaise nouvelle. (recevoir)
    10. Je ____________________ la porte. (ouvrir)


    1. Tom a voulu te donner sa veste.
    1. Tom wanted to give you his jacket.

    2. Nous sommes descendus du train à Marseille.
    2. We got off the train at Marseilles.

    3. Alice et Tom ont fait un gâteau ensemble.
    3. Alice and Tom have made a cake together.

    4. J'ai vu le dernier film de Steven Spielberg hier.
    4. I saw the last Spielberg film yesterday.

    5. Tom et toi avez appris à parler français.
    5. Tom and you have learnt French.

    6. Tu n'as pas cru en lui.
    6. You didn't believe in him.

    7. Tom et moi sommes allés à Paris le mois dernier.
    7. Tom and I went to Paris last month.

    8. Ils ont eu de la chance.
    8. They were lucky.

    9. Il a reçu une mauvaise nouvelle.
    9. He received bad news.

    10. J'ai ouvert la porte.
    10. I have opened the door.