Learn French With Alexa
Beginner Masterclass 2

Salut ,

You're invited to join the upcoming Learn French with Alexa Getting Started in French - Beginner masterclass!

This is the perfect opportunity to kickstart your French-speaking skills. In this session join other students, and together we'll cover the alphabet, learn how to introduce yourself to your classmates and develop the confidence to approach and respond to people in French.

As our speaking practice masterclasses are designed to give learners the opportunity to practise their French speaking skills, space is limited to 10 students per class - so hurry!

This masterclass is a repeat of the 14/03/2023 session. If you have already attended it, we recommend that you do not purchase attendance for this session, as you will have already covered the material.

See you there.

Bisou Bisou 💋


Thursday 30th of March 2023 at 12pm (British Time).

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