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We’re excited to announce some important updates to our TEF Preparation Course, bringing the course in line with the latest version of the TEF exam.

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Compréhension écrite:

Insertion de phrases, Ordre de phrases and Reformulation will no longer be on the test. Instead, you can expect to find more reading comprehension exercises, more gap fills and more texts to read.

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Compréhension orale:

The radio passages and homophones exercises will no longer be on the test. Instead, there will be more listening exercises and audio tracks, and you can expect the audio exercises to be more difficult in places.


Expression écrite and Expression orale will remain unaffected by the changes.

In addition, new audio demos have been added to the Compréhension orale section.


We’re always improving our resources to keep our content up-to-date and help you achieve your French-language goals.

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