Learn French With Alexa

Salut {firstName},

Did you miss the live lesson with Learn French With Alexa x French School TV? Don't worry, because you can rewatch it by clicking the button below. Together they addressed a range of topics about the TEF and DELF/DALF exams, including the similarities and differences between the exams, and how best to prepare for them.

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Ready to take the next step? Prepare for the TEF exam with Alexa. Get guided worksheets and exercises created for you to pass your exam.

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Put your French listening skills to the test by listening to this real life French dialogue of two natives. This time, purchasing a ticket from a train station!

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Easy French conversation practice with Alexa. Practise a real French conversation to sound like a native French speaker.

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Take Alexa with you everywhere, SHOP NOW for Learn French with Alexa mugs, t-shirts and tote bags.

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