Learn French With Alexa
Learn French website resources

Salut ,


Wondering where to start with Learn French with Alexa? Read this quick guide that tells you everything you need to know to navigate the website.


Join me for a TEF LIVE session!


In this session we are going to focus on one type of exercise from the TEF exam: TEF Compréhension Écrite Section C.1 - Insertion de phrases.


Tuesday 6th June, 2023 @ 10:30AM

Speak French with Alexa

Practise a short French-speaking exercise with me. In this video, I'll go through a short French dialogue to help you master your French-speaking skills.

All the ways to use the word DE in French

This quick guide tells you everything you need to know to navigate the Learn French with Alexa website.

Understand the imperfect tense

Learn the conjugations, rules, and usage of the imperfect tense, allowing you to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past with ease.

Trustpilot Review Zahra Yusuf
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