Learn French With Alexa
FAQ Ask Alexa Newsletter 1

Bonjour and welcome to the latest edition of the 'Learn French with Alexa' FAQ newsletter!

This newsletter is dedicated to answering the most common questions we receive from you, our amazing subscribers! Whether you're just starting out or further along in the course, our aim is to support your progress with clear and concise information, making your path to fluency smoother and more enjoyable.

Merci beaucoup for being part of our wonderful community. Let's continue to explore the beauty of the French language together!


Our quizzes are accents sensitive, you can email us at support@learnfrenchwithalexa.com to send you a guide of ALT codes for accents if you have problems typing these on your keyboard. You can also find more useful information on French accents and keyboards in one of our blogs.


To help you track your learning process or where you've left off, you may use our bookmark lesson function. You can find this below each main lesson. Once you finish with the lesson click on the bookmark lesson button and next time you login this information will appear in 'Your Account 'area.

Your Account:

Here you will see 2 or 3 tabs depending on whether you are also subscribed to our TEF preparation course. The first tab contains your account information where you can manage your payment cards and your subscription. Then you will have a tab for your course. Here you will see any lessons you have bookmarked as well as your quiz results. Here is a tutorial video on how to use bookmarks.


You first need to login to your account and then along the top navigation bar click on Our French Courses and Alexa’s Complete French Course - et voila!

We have a tutorial for this here.


The quizzes are at the bottom of each lesson you do. You can find the lesson quiz underneath the lesson video. You can also scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see 'Quizzes' under 'Supplementary Content'. Click on it and you will see all the quizzes that are relevant to the lesson. Click on the quiz you'd like to do by pressing 'Take Quiz'.

We have a tutorial for this here.


Firstly you must login. On the top navigation bar click on 'Alexa Live'. Scroll down and you will see when the next lesson is and the lesson link to click and join at the time of the lesson.

We have a tutorial for this going into more detail here.


Along the top navigation bar, click on 'Our French Courses' and 'Alexa's Complete French Course'. Go to Lesson 4 and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see it underneath the other Supplementary videos. Click on it to show all the videos.

We have a tutorial for this going into more detail here.


You must first login to your account then go to your account area by clicking 'Account' and 'My Account'. Click on the 'LFWA French Course' tab and you will see 'The Complete French Course Study Guide' - click on it. This page gives you the full breakdown of the course.

We have a tutorial for this going into more detail here.


To begin with, have a look through the course outline and the lesson objectives for each core lesson. This will give you an idea of what key language areas are covered.

Take a look at our overall course methodology tutorial video.

If you are a complete beginner go to lesson 1, otherwise, take our Test de Nivel to identify your French level. The video exercises (dictations, gap fills, etc.) and the supplementary videos are designed to reinforce the main language points from the core lessons, expand your learning and add a bit of variety. Here's a suggestion on what might help you:

  1. Watch the core lesson along with the support guide and make your own notes along the way
  2. After finishing the lesson, take the main lesson quiz to test your knowledge.
  3. After that, spend some time on the supplementary content below each of the video - take the quizzes, make more notes, watch the videos etc.

We recommend spending around 1.5-2 hours on each core lesson. Take some time off to avoid burnout and return the next day or a couple of days later on to the next lesson.

Before starting the next lesson, go back to the previous lesson and take the main quiz again, as this will keep that info in your mind for longer.
If it's too difficult, refer to your notes again and try once more.

When you feel confident about the previous lesson, move on to the next and repeat. As you progress through the course, you can keep going back and trying out the quizzes of previous lessons - as I believe this will help you to remember each bit of key grammar.

Why not take a look at our tutorial video on how to progress through the course.


For more FAQs visit our tutorials page.

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