Course Outline
The Complete French Course: Lessons 1 to 40
The Complete French Course
consists of 40 comprehensive lessons split into 6 modules designed to take you from A1 (beginner) level to C2 (proficiency). Each lesson includes a core tutorial video, exercise videos, supplementary videos, lesson guides, lesson quizzes and downloadable audio files.
Over 1,000 downloadable support guides to help you easily review and reinforce everything you’ve learned in the lessons.
400+ interactive quizzes designed to challenge your French knowledge and track your progress.
100+ French verb and vocabulary audio lists to sharpen your pronunciation and listening skills.
End-of-level assessments to evaluate your learning and identify areas to improve as you advance.
Personalized progress tracking through your own account, so you can monitor your journey step by step.
Dedicated support team ready to assist with any questions or challenges you encounter along the way.
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Full course outline
Level A1
Module 1
Learning objectives
- to discover basic elements of the language, such as the different phonemes, the alphabet and its pronunciation
- to discover the foundation of the language such as conjugations, auxiliaries, numbers, etc.
- to learn how to form simple sentences about personal topics such as one's family
- how to start interacting with others by asking and answering simple questions
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 01 - Introductions | greetings | basic vocabulary | numbers 1-10
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how to introduce yourself in French
- to learn some French formal and informal greetings
- to learn some basic French vocabulary, to get you started with French and lay some early foundations
- to learn the French numbers 1-10
Lesson 02 - Greetings | weather | seasons | days | numbers 1-20 | ordinal numbers
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to revise French greetings
- to learn how to describe the weather and seasons in French
- to learn the French days of the week
- to learn to count from 1 to 20 in French
- to learn French ordinal numbers
Lesson 03 - Feelings | emotions | months | dates | numbers 0-100
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to be able to express feelings/emotions in French
- to learn the French months of the year
- to learn to express a date in French
- to learn numbers from 0 to 100, 1000 in French
Lesson 04 - Alphabet | spell your name | pronunciation
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn the French alphabet
- to learn how to spell your name in French
- to learn to pronounce various combinations of letters in French
Lesson 05 - Definite articles | indefinite articles | partitive articles
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn the definite articles
- to learn the indefinite articles
- to learn the partitive articles
Lesson 06 - Subject pronouns | avoir (to have) | être (to be) | adjective agreement & position
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French subject pronouns
- to learn the French auxiliary verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be) in the present tense
- to learn about adjective agreement and position in French
Lesson 07 - Conjunctions of coordination | dates | ages | colours | adjectives
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn useful conjunctions of coordination in French
- to express the date of your birthday, as well as your age, in French
- to learn French colours
- to learn some more French adjectives
Lesson 08 - Faire (to do/make) | Expressions with faire | Faire vs. jouer (to play)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to conjugate the French verb faire (to do/make) in the present tense
- to learn some expressions with the French verb faire
- to learn when to use faire (to do) and jouer (to play)
- to learn some French time expressions in order to build more complex sentences using these 2 verbs
Lesson 09 - Aller (to go) | prepositions
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to conjugate the French verb aller (to go) in the present tense with some prepositions
- to learn about other French prepositions
- to practise using French prepositions
Lesson 10 - Infinitive verbs | moods & tenses | 3 verb groups | conjugating groups 1 & 2 verbs (présent)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn what an infinitive verb is in French
- to learn about moods and tenses in French
- to learn about the 3 groups of verbs in French
- to learn how to conjugate French verbs from the 1st and 2nd groups in the indicative present
Lesson 11 - Group 3 verbs (présent) | impersonal verbs | être en train de (expression) | imperative mood
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to conjugate 3rd group French verbs in the indicative present
- to learn about French impersonal verbs
- to learn about the French expression être en train de
- to learn about the imperative mood in French
Lesson 12 - Simple negations (présent)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to use simple French negations in the present tense
- to transform an affirmative sentence into a negation in French
Level A2
Module 2
Learning objectives
- to continue working on sentence building as well as new grammar points
- to learn the passé composé
- to start reading and understanding short texts
- to communicate with more ease as long as it is short, simple and on topics already studied
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 13 - Adjectives | comparatives | superlatives
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to revise rules around French adjectives
- to learn some simple French comparatives
- to learn some simple French superlatives
Lesson 14 - Possessive adjectives | demonstrative adjectives
CEFR levels covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French possessive adjectives
- to learn about French demonstrative adjectives
Lesson 15 - Passé composé with avoir & être
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how the passé composé is formed with the French auxiliary verb avoir (to have) and how to use it
- to learn how the passé composé is formed with the French auxiliary verb être (to be) and how to use it
Lesson 16 - Questions | interrogative adverbs: quand, où, comment, combien, pourquoi
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how to ask questions in French
- to practise using the French interrogative adverb quand (when)
- to practise using the French interrogative adverb où (where)
- to practise using the French interrogative adverb comment (how)
- to practise using the French interrogative adverb combien (how much)
- to practise using the French interrogative adverb pourquoi (why)
Lesson 17 - Interrogative adjectives | interrogative pronouns
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn more about questions using French interrogative adjectives
- to learn more about questions using French interrogative pronouns
Lesson 18 - Irregular plural nouns | irregular adjectives
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to identify irregular plural nouns in French
- to identify irregular adjectives in French
Lesson 19 - Adverbs (role, construction and position)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French adverbs, their role, construction and position
Level B1
Module 3
Learning objectives
- to work on more challenging grammar points such as connectives and pronouns
- to learn more tenses including the future, conditional and imperfect
- to understand the main points of a longer conversation with familiar topics
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 20 - Futur proche (near future) | participe présent (present participle)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how to form and use the futur proche (near future) in French
- to learn how to form a participe présent (present participle) in French
Lesson 21 - Group 1, 2 & 3 verbs (futur simple)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to conjugate 1st, 2nd and 3rd group French verbs in the future tense
- to learn how to transform a verb or adjective into a noun (nominalisation)
Lesson 22 - Reflexive verbs (présent, futur proche, futur simple & passé composé)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French reflexive verbs
- to learn to conjugate a French reflexive verb in the présent, futur proche, futur simple and passé composé
Lesson 23 - Imparfait | imparfait vs. passé composé
CEFR levels covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about the imparfait in French
- to learn how to conjugate a French verb in the imparfait
- to learn the difference between the imparfait and passé composé in French
- to learn about the passé récent
Lesson 24 - Simple relative pronouns: qui, que, quoi, dont, où
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about simple French relative pronouns: qui, que, quoi, dont and où
Lesson 25 - Possessive pronouns | demonstrative pronouns | emphatic pronouns
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc.)
- to learn about French demonstrative pronouns (this one, that one, etc.)
- to learn about French emphatic pronouns (me, you, him, etc.)
Lesson 26 - Direct & indirect object pronouns | adverbial pronouns EN vs. Y
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about French direct and indirect object pronouns
- to learn about the difference between the adverbial pronouns EN and Y in French
Lesson 27 - Conditionnel | conditionnel présent | translating modals COULD, SHOULD & WOULD
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about the conditionnel in French
- to learn to conjugate French verbs in the conditionnel présent
- to learn how to translate modals could, should and would in French
Lesson 28 - Complex negative constructions (double negations, compound tenses, etc.)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how to form complex negative constructions with compound tenses, reflexives and imperatives in French
- to learn to use negations with pronouns, double negations and negations with two verbs in French
Lesson 29 - Comparison with nouns | complex comparative structures
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn to make comparison with nouns in French
- to learn more complex French comparative structures
Level B2
Module 4
Learning objectives
- to work on challenging grammar points such as complex relative pronouns
- to learn more complex tenses including the passé simple and subjunctive
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 30 - Subjunctive
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about the subjunctive in French
- to learn how to conjugate a French verb in the subjunctive
- to learn common phrases and verbs which require the subjunctive in French
Lesson 31 - Subjunctive (continued) | past subjunctive | ne explétif
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about irregular conjugations in the subjunctive in French
- to learn about the use of the subjunctive in interrogative and negative sentences in French
- to learn how to form a past subjunctive in French
- to learn about the ne explétif in French
Lesson 32 - Compound prepositions | complex prepositional structures
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about compound prepositions in French
- to look at more complex prepositional structures in French
Lesson 33 - Complex relatives pronouns
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about complex French relative pronouns
Lesson 34 - Plus-que-parfait (pluperfect/past perfect)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn how to conjugate a French verb in the pluperfect tense
- to learn when to use the pluperfect tense
Lesson 35 - Futur antérieur (future perfect)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn when to use the future perfect in French
- to learn how to form the future perfect in French
Lesson 36 - Conditionnel passé (past conditional)
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn when to use the past conditional in French
- to learn how to form the past conditional in French
Level C1
Module 5
Learning objectives
- to understand a speech or a discussion even if its structure is not very clear or is mostly based on “implicit meaning”
- to be able to express yourself spontaneously with a degree of fluency close to that of a native speaker
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 37 - Passé simple (past historic)
CEFR levels covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn when to use the past historic in French
- to learn how to form the past historic in French
Lesson 38 - Active vs. passive voice
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn the difference between the active and the passive voice in French
- to learn how to transform one voice into the other in French
Level C2
Module 6
Learning objectives
- to be able to read, understand and write any type of document, even specialised texts like academic articles
Lesson breakdowns
- More information on lesson duration, resources, self-study, methodology and intended outcomes are provided in the Complete French Course Study Guide which is available to all active 'Complete French Course' students in their account area.
Lesson 39 - Sequence of tenses | subordinate clause vs. main clause
CEFR level covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn about sequence of tenses in French
- to recognise which French tense to use in a subordinate clause in relation to the main clause
Lesson 40 - Direct v. indirect speech | direct vs. indirect interrogations
CEFR levels covered
Core video
Learning objectives
- to learn the difference between direct and indirect speech in French
- to learn how to transform direct speech into indirect speech in French
- to learn how to transform a direct interrogation into an indirect interrogation in French
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