My First French Lessons

Message from Alexa

Bonjour everyone!

I know that there will be a lot of parents out there like myself looking for ways to keep their children occupied in these difficult times, so I have decided to put my original audio course for children up here on the website for everyone to enjoy for free.

Keep safe and bisou bisou xx

My First French Lessons


5 mini-courses

My First French Lessons is a fun-filled audio course for children (aged 4+) featuring 5 mini-courses:

  • My First French Words
  • Animals
  • At School
  • My Body
  • What We Eat

It is packed full of stories, songs, lessons, themes, games, vocabulary, sentence building, finger-mimes and lots and lots of fun.

Primary School Children

'My First French Lessons' are ideal for primary school children and keen parents of any age! They can be listened to alone, with a parent or even in a classroom environment with a whole class. The lessons encourage children to develop an interest in the French language and culture. They are designed to be fun, memorable, engaging, confidence-boosting and to build solid foundations for further study of the French language.

Listening Guidelines

Here are some simple guidelines to follow:

  • Ideally, you should leave some time between listening to each lesson.
  • Lessons can be repeated as many times as you like.
  • Children should be encouraged to mime along (finger mimes exercises) and to participate as much as possible in the lessons.
  • Don't forget to download the worksheets that accompany each lesson.


When you listen to the glossary, practise repeating the words after you hear them. Also, you should listen to 'My First French Words' first. After that, you can listen to the others in any order.

    My First French Words


    'My First French Words' is an introduction to the French language. It covers topic such as greetings, numbers up to 20, colours, days of the week and weather. It also includes one finger mime and two songs.

    • Finger mime: Le petit pouce (The little thumb)
    • Song 1: Meunier tu dors (Windmill keeper, you are sleeping)
    • Song 2: Frère Jacques (Brother Jack)

    Once you finish listening to each lesson, why don’t you have a go at the worksheet!

    Mes premiers mots de Français - Lesson 1

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    Mes premiers mots de Français - Lesson 2

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    Mes premiers mots de Français - Lesson 3

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    Mes premiers mots de Français - Lesson 4

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    Mes premiers mots de Français - Glossary

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    Sing along to the songs

    Meunier tu dors

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    Meunier, tu dors

    Meunier tu dors
    Ton moulin va trop vite
    Meunier, tu dors
    Ton moulin va trop fort
    Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite
    Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort
    Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop vite
    Ton moulin, ton moulin va trop fort

    Windmill keeper, you are sleeping

    Windmill keeper, you are sleeping
    Your windmill is spinning too quickly
    Windmill keeper, you are sleeping
    Your windmill is spinning too quickly
    Your windmill, your windmill is spinning too quickly
    Your windmill, your windmill is spinning too strongly
    Your windmill, your windmill is spinning too quickly
    Your windmill, your windmill is spinning too strongly

    Frère Jacques

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    Frère Jacques

    Frère Jacques
    Frère Jacques
    Dormez-vous ?
    Dormez-vous ?
    Sonnez les matines
    Sonnez les matines
    Ding, dang, dong
    Ding, dang, dong

    Brother Jack

    Brother Jack
    Brother Jack
    Are you sleeping?
    Are you sleeping?
    Ring the morning bells
    Ring the morning bells
    Ding, dang, dong
    Ding, dang, dong




    'Animals' covers animal words, colours and how to ask a question. It also includes one finger mime, two songs and one story.

    • Finger mime: Es-tu une vache? (Are you a cow?)
    • Song 1: Mon petit lapin (My little rabbit)
    • Song 2: Le rock’n’roll des galinacées (The rock’n’roll of the birds)
    • Story: Le petit poussin (The little chick)

    Once you finish listening to each lesson, why don’t you have a go at the worksheet!

    Les animaux - Lesson 1

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    Les animaux - Lesson 2

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    Les animaux - Lesson 3

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    Les animaux - Lesson 4

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    Les animaux - Glossary

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    Sing along to the songs

    Mon petit lapin

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    Mon petit lapin

    Mon petit lapin
    Se cache dans le jardin
    Cherchez-moi coucou coucou
    Je suis caché sous un chou
    Remuant le nez
    Il se moque du fermier
    Cherchez-moi coucou coucou
    Je suis caché sous un chou
    Frisant ses moustaches
    Le fermier passe et repasse
    Il ne trouve rien du tout
    Le lapin mange le chou

    My little rabbit

    My little rabbit
    Is hiding in the garden
    Look for me, hello, hello
    I am hiding under a cabbage
    Wriggling his nose
    He is teasing the farmer
    Look for me, hello, hello
    I am hiding under a cabbage
    Curling his moustache
    The farmer passes by again and again
    He can’t find anything
    The rabbit is eating the cabbage

    Le rock'n'roll des gallinacées

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    Le rock'n’roll des gallinacées

    Dans ma basse-cour
    Il y a :
    Des poules, des dindons, des oies
    Il y a même des canards
    Qui barbottent dans la mare
    Alors « cot, cot cot cotdec
    Cot cot cot cotdec
    Cot cot cot cotdec ! »
    Le rock n’ roll des gallinacées

    The rock n’ roll of the birds

    In my farmyard
    There are:
    Hens, turkeys, geese
    There are even ducks
    Who are paddling in the pond
    They go "cot, cot cot cotdec
    Cot cot cot cotdec
    Cot cot cot cotdec!"
    The rock n’ roll of the birds


    At School


    'At School' covers words that you find in your pencil case, plus revises colours and numbers. It also includes one finger mime, two songs and one story.

    • Finger mime: Deux petits escargots (Two little snails)
    • Song 1: Au clair de la lune (In the moonlight)
    • Song 2: Une souris verte (A green mouse)
    • Story: Rémi n’aime pas l’école (Remi does not like school)

      Once you finish listening to each lesson, why don’t you have a go at the worksheet!

      A l’école - Lesson 1

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      A l’école - Lesson 2

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      A l’école - Lesson 3

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      A l’école - Lesson 4

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      A l’école - Glossary

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      Sing along to the songs

      Au clair de la lune

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      Au clair de la lune

      Au clair de la lune
      Mon ami Pierrot
      Prête-moi ta plume
      Pour écrire un mot

      Ma chandelle est morte
      Je n’ai plus de feu
      Ouvre-moi ta porte
      Pour l’amour de Dieu

      Au clair de la lune
      Pierrot répondit :
      Je n’ai pas de plume
      Je suis dans mon lit

      Va chez la voisine
      Je crois qu’elle y est
      Car dans sa cuisine
      On bat le briquet

      Under the moonlight

      Under the moonlight
      My friend Pierrot
      Lend me your feather (plume/pen)
      So I can write a word

      My candle is out
      I’ve no more light
      Open your door for me
      For the sake of God

      Under the moonlight
      Pierrot replied:
      I’ve no pen
      I’m in my bed

      Go next door
      I believe she is in
      For in the kitchen
      Someone lit a matchstick

      Une souris verte

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      Une souris verte

      Une souris verte
      Qui courait dans l’herbe
      Je l’attrape par la queue
      Je la montre à ces messieurs
      Ces messieurs me disent
      Trempez-la dans l’huile
      Trempez-la dans l’eau
      Ça fera un escargot
      Tout chaud
      Je la mets dans un tiroir
      Elle me dit : Il fait trop froid !
      Je la mets dans mon chapeau
      Elle me dit : Il fait trop chaud !
      Je la mets dans ma culotte
      Elle me fait trois petites crottes !

      A green mouse

      A green mouse
      Which was running in the grass
      I catch it by its tail
      I show it to those people
      These people tell me
      Dip it in oil
      Dip it in water
      It will become a snail
      Nice and warm
      I put it in a draw
      She tells me: it’s too cold
      I put it in my hat
      She tells me: it’s too warm
      I put it in my pants
      She makes me three little drops!


      My Body


      'My Body' covers the vocabulary of the body and revises the numbers, colours and days of the week. It also includes one finger mime, two songs and one story.

      • Finger mime: Monsieur Pouce (Mr Thumb)
      • Song 1: Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds (Head, shoulders, legs and feet)
      • Song 2: Alouette, gentille Alouette (Lark, nice Lark)
      • Story: Marjorie a mal aux dents! (Marjorie has a toothache!)

      Once you finish listening to each lesson, why don’t you have a go at the worksheet!

      Mon corps - Lesson 1

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      Mon corps - Lesson 2

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      Mon corps - Lesson 3

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      Mon corps - Lesson 4

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      Mon corps - Glossary

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      Sing along to the songs

      Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds

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      Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds

      Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds
      Jambes et pieds
      Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds
      Jambes et pieds
      Les yeux, les oreilles, la bouche et le nez
      Tête, épaules, jambes et pieds
      Jambes et pieds

      Head, shoulders, legs and feet

      Head, shoulders, legs and feet
      Legs and feet
      Head, shoulders, legs and feet
      Legs and feet
      Eyes, ears, mouth and nose
      Head, shoulders, legs and feet
      Legs and feet

      Alouette, gentille alouette

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      Alouette, gentille alouette

      Alouette, gentille alouette
      Alouette, je te plumerai
      Je te plumerai la tête
      Je te plumerai la tête
      Et la tête, et la tête
      Alouette, alouette
      Aaah, aah, aah aah, alouette

      Je te plumerai le bec…
      Je te plumerai les yeux…
      Je te plumerai le cou…
      Je te plumerai les ailes…
      Je te plumerai les pattes…
      Je te plumerai la queue…
      Je te plumerai le dos…

      Lark, nice lark

      Lark, nice lark,
      Lark, I will pluck you
      I will pluck your head
      I will pluck your head
      And the head, and the head
      Lark, lark
      Aaah, aah, aah aah, lark

      I will pluck your beak…
      I will pluck your eyes…
      I will pluck your neck…
      I will pluck your wings…
      I will pluck your legs…
      I will pluck your tail…
      I will pluck your back…


      What We Eat


      'What We Eat' covers food words such as ice cream and bread, and revises the colours in French. It also includes one finger mime, two songs and one story.

      • Finger mime: Oh là là, qu’est-ce que c’est? (Oh dear, what is it?)
      • Song 1: Savez-vous planter les choux? (Do you know how to plant cabbages?)
      • Song 2: Un, deux, trois, nous irons au bois (One, two, three, we’re going to the wood)
      • Story: Le petit garçon qui n’aimait pas les broccolis (The little boy who didn’t like broccoli)

      Once you finish listening to each lesson, why don’t you have a go at the worksheet!

      Ce qu’on mange - Lesson 1

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      Ce qu’on mange - Lesson 2

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      Ce qu’on mange - Lesson 3

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      Ce qu’on mange - Lesson 4

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      Ce qu’on mange - Glossary

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      Sing along to the songs

      Savez-vous planter les choux ?

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      Savez-vous planter les choux?

      Savez-vous planter les choux
      À la mode, à la mode ?
      Savez-vous planter les choux
      À la mode de chez nous ?
      On les plante avec le doigt
      À la mode, à la mode
      On les plante avec le doigt
      À la mode de chez nous
      On les plante avec les mains…
      On les plante avec le pied…
      On les plante avec le coude…
      On les plante avec le nez…

      Do you know how to plant cabbages

      Do you know how to plant cabbages
      In the style, in the style?
      Do you know how to plant cabbages
      In the style of our country?
      We plant them with the finger
      In the style, in the style
      We plant them with the finger
      In the style of our country
      We plant them with the hands…
      We plant them with the foot…
      We plant them with the elbow…
      We plant them with the nose…

      Un, deux, trois, nous irons au bois

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      Un, deux, trois, nous irons au bois

      Un, deux, trois
      Nous irons au bois
      Quatre, cinq, six
      Cueillir des cerises
      Sept, huit, neuf
      Dans mon panier neuf
      Dix, onze, douze
      Elles seront toutes rouges

      One, two, three, we’ll go to the wood

      One, two, three
      We’ll go to the wood
      Four, five, six
      To pick up some cherries
      Seven, eight, nine
      In my new basket
      Ten, eleven, twelve
      They will be all red


      As seen in...