Alexa plays the French card game - Tarot.

Posted by Adam on 15th Jun 2017 in the blog in the video, french culture category

Tarot Cards

Have you ever played this game?

I recently went home to visit my family and while I was there we played the French card game called Tarot. (Nothing at all to do with fortune-telling.) Here is a little video I made of the experience. 

I think it is very good for some French numbers practice. Quite tricky. Enjoy! Bisou x

French Transcript

Bonjour, aujourd'hui nous allons jouer au jeu de cartes français qui s'appelle le jeu de Tarot. Alors le jeu de tarot est relativement compliqué. Pour jouer au tarot et pour avoir du jeu il nous faut 3 cartes essentielles. Le petit, le 21 et une carte qui s'appelle l'excuse. Alors voici nos couleurs de cartes. Nous avons le trêfle, le coeur, le pic et le carreau. Les couleurs sont composées de 14 cartes. Il y a 4 cartes habillées et 10 non habillées. Il y a le roi qui vaut 5 points, la dame qui vaut 4 points, le cavalier qui vaut 3 points et le valet qui vaut 2 points,

and the valet worth 2 points. Et puis toutes les petites cartes. Dix, neuf, huit, sept, six, cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un - ...qu'on appelle aussi l'as de coeur. Allez on va jouer maintenant, on va voir comment jouer au tarot.

C'est bien soixante-dix ?
Pourquoi j'ai mis soixante-dix-huit, moi ?
Je passe. / Aussi. / Aussi.
Attendez, j'essaie de prendre avec une main. C'est pas possible !
Je passe.
Aurélie? / Je passe. / Je passe aussi. / Garde !
Je trépasse !
Je coupe.

Ah, tu sors l'artillerie lourde !
Ah, il allait au bout.
Dommage pour le roi.
On compte ?
Let's count?
Un, deux, trois... / Qui compte ? Il faut que je sache.
...huit, neuf, dix.
Bon vas-y papa tu vas plus vite.
Oh, t'es chiée, toi !
...huit, douze, seize...
...vingt-et-un, vingt-et-un, uh vingt-et-un et six ?
...vingt-sept, trente-deux, trente-cinq...
...trente-sept, quarante, quarante-et-un.
Alors bénéfice: 1,2,3,4,7...
...neuf, dix, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit.
Et il y a une carte du chien. Dix-neuf.
Dix-neuf de bénéfice. Alors comme j'ai gardé...
Ça fait 19 et 19 - 38.
Trente-huit et cinquante, quatre-vingt-huit.

Et voilà, la partie est finie et voici les scores. Moins cinq-cent-dix-neuf pour B. Moins cent-treize pour M. Minus 113 for M. Plus mille-quatre-cent-quatre-vingt-dix pour PA. Plus cent-un pour AU. Et malheureusement pour Alexa moins huit-cent-dix-neuf. J'ai perdu.

Approximate English Translation

Hello, today we are going to play the French card game which is called 'Tarot'. So the Tarot game is relatively complicated. To play Tarot and have a good game we need 3 essential cards. The small, the 21 and a card called the 'excuse'. So here are our card colours. We have the club, the heart, the spade and the diamond. The colours are composed of 14 cards. There are 4 cards dressed and 10 non-dressed. There is the king worth 5 points, the queen worth 4 points, the knight worth 3 points and the valet worth 2 points. And then all the little cards. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one - ...which is also called the ace of hearts. Let's go, let's play now, we are going to see how to play Tarot.

It's 70, right?
Why did I put 78, me?
I pass the hand. / Me too. / Me too.
Wait, I am trying to pick it up with one hand.
It's not possible!
I pass the hand.
Aurélie? / I pass the hand. / I pass too. / Keep!
I very much pass / I die! (This is a pun in French.)
I cut.

Ah, you are taking out the heavy artillery!
Ah, it was going to the end.
Shame for the king.
Let's count?
1,2,3... / Who is counting? I need to know.
...8, 9, 10.
Ok go daddy you are faster.
Oh, you're *%$%^ annoying, you!
...8, 12, 16…
...21, 21, uh 21 and 6?
...27, 32, 35…
...37, 40, 41.
So the gain: 1,2,3,4,7…
...9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18.
And there is a card from the dog. 19. 19 of gain. So as I held… That makes 19 and 19 - 38. 38 and 50, 88.

So here we are, the game is over and here are the scores. Minus 519 for B. Minus 113 for M. Plus 1490 for PA. Plus 101 for AU. And unfortunately for Alexa minus 819. I lost.

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