TEF: Expression Écrite

Posted by Josh on 9th Mar 2025 in the blog in the tef category

The Expression Écrite part of the TEF exam assesses your proficiency in written French. You are given 60 minutes to complete both parts of the exam.

For Part A, you will be provided the opening of a press article and will be tasked with writing the rest of it, aiming to honour the style and register of the article.

For Part B, you will be asked to provide your opinion on a given statement and are expected to defend your position, advancing at least three arguments in favour of it.

The Expression Écrite part of LFWA TEF Exam Preparation Course provides extensive revision materials for each of the two parts. In addition to guides with comprehensive tips, you will find dozens of exercises and quizzes to help prepare you for each aspect of the speaking test.

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