Who is Alexa?

Posted by Josh on 24th Apr 2024 in the blog in the category

Alexa laughing

How long have you been teaching French?

I started teaching small groups of children as an activity after school back in 1993. So a long time ago. What is funny is that I get stopped in the street where I live and where I used to teach by people I taught thirty years ago. Some of them are now in their forties with children. It feels good when they remember my name, but equally bad when I realised how old I am!

What prompted you to start Learn French with Alexa?

Learn French with Alexa was originally called The French École. I had a company that taught French in nurseries, primary schools and privately. I set it up in 1997 using the experience I had acquired working for other companies. I then realised that I could do better than the companies I was working for. I could make the learning experience for children way more fun.

So I started designing my own curriculum. As my business grew, and we became one of the biggest French education providers in schools and private clubs, Adam (with whom I share the business) introduced me to the idea of recording my own course for beginners on a podcast. Learn French with Alexa was born! 3 million followers later, we are still going strong.

What is your favourite thing about your job?

My team. I love working with my team and seeing projects come to life. I always say that the only reason I am known is because I surround myself with very clever people. Not only do they make me look good—they actually keep me focused. Anyone in my team would tell you that I am the least focused person they know, and that I often distract them from their work. I bet they wished I didn't come to the office so they could get on with their work...

What do you like to do when you're not teaching French?

When I am not teaching, I am on the beach fossil hunting. My life is so busy and open to the world that it allows me to recover. It is my go to place for mindfulness. It isn't so much about what I find but more about me concentrating on one thing only (for an afternoon). This might surprise my followers, but I am actually an introvert, and like to spend time alone.

I also like cooking for my children, but as they are older now, they are not often at home, so I have taken up knitting. I'm currently making hammocks for my son's rats...

What do you miss the most about France?

My family and food. I left France in 1992, so I have lived way longer in England than in France. I have become very British— so British in fact that French people think that I'm a Brit when I return to France. Apparently I have a very slight British accent when I speak French....and a French accent when I speak English! Oh well! We can't have it all.

I go back to France every three months on average, as my parents and siblings still live in Ain, the region where I grew up as a child.

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People from all over the world enjoy learning French with Alexa Polidoro’s popular French audio and video lessons.