Course Outline

GCSE French Preparation Course

At a glance

The GCSE French Preparation Course is the perfect guide to succeeding in the GCSE exam. It is split into six sections:


  • 1 tips video
  • 8 demo videos showing how to tackle each type of exercise
  • 70 speaking videos, categorised by theme and topic, providing students with answers to questions and tips to get top marks
  • Support guides with all videos, providing further notes and tips for success


  • 1 tips video
  • 14 demo videos showing how to tackle each type of exercise
  • 30 worksheets designed to improve and perfect students' reading comprehension
  • Answer sheets for all exercises, with further notes and tips


  • 1 tips video
  • 6 demo videos showing how to tackle each type of exercise
  • 31 audio quizzes to get students used to hearing spoken French
  • Support guides for all quizzes, with further notes and tips


  • 1 tips video
  • 5 demo videos showing how to tackle each type of exercises
  • 10 translation worksheets
  • 10 dictation quizzes to help writing in French become second nature for students
  • Support guides for all exercises


  • Over 60 vocabulary lists organised by theme, with each word available in both written and audio form
  • Multiple choice quizzes with all lists to support students' learning


  • 34 conjugation lists for the most common verbs, conjugated into 6 tenses and available in both written and audio form
  • Multiple choice quizzes with all lists to support students' learning


Learning objectives

This section will help students:

    • learn how to formulate statements, opinions, questions and answers
    • expand their vocabulary to cover a broad range of everyday conversations
    • improve their pronunciation
    • improve their conversation skills generally
    • feel confident speaking French


    Demo videos

    • 5 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle the roleplay exercise + support guides with tips and answers
    • 1 guided video demonstrating how to tackle the photocard exercise + support guide with tips and answers
    • 1 guided video demonstrating how to tackle the general conversation exercise + support guide with tips and answers
    • 1 guided video simulating a full GCSE exam practice, including roleplay, photocard and general conversation + support guide with tips and answers

    Identity and Culture

    • 2 photocards covering the following topics:
      Me, my family and friends - video 1
      Technology in everyday life - video 2

    • 32 general conversation video answering the following questions:

      Me, my family and friends:
      Parle-moi de toi - video 3
      Parle-moi de ta famille - video 4
      Est-ce que tu t’entends bien avec ta famille ? - video 5
      As-tu un animal ? - video 6
      Décris ton meilleur ami/ta meilleure amie - video 7
      Quelles sont les qualités d’un(e) ami(e) idéal(e) ? - video 8
      Que fais-tu normalement pendant le week-end ? - video 9
      Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier ? - video 10
      Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire le week-end prochain ? - video 11
      Est-ce que tu voudrais te marier plus tard ? - video 12
      Est-ce que tu voudrais avoir des enfants ? - video 13

      Technology in Everyday Life:
      Comment est-ce que tu utilises ton portable ? - video 14
      Quels sont les dangers du Net ? - video 15
      Est-ce que tu utilises trop ton portable ? - video 16
      Quand as-tu utilisé ton portable pour la dernière fois ? - video 17
      Est-ce que tu voudrais un nouveau portable et pourquoi ? - video 18

      Free-time Activities:
      Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire pendant ton temps libre ? - video 19
      Est-ce que tu préfères-tu sortir avec tes amis ou rester chez toi ? - video 20
      Quel genre de musique ou de film est-ce que tu préfères ? - video 21
      Est-ce que tu préfères la télévision ou le cinéma ? Pourquoi ? - video 22
      Quel est le dernier film que tu as vu au cinéma ? - video 23
      Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger ? - video 24
      Es-tu végétarien(ne) et pourquoi ? - video 25
      Quel est ton sport préféré ? Pourquoi ? - video 26
      Qu’est-ce que tu as fait la semaine dernière pour garder la forme ? - video 27
      Comment seraient tes vacances idéales ? - video 28
      Selon toi, est-ce que les vacances sont importantes ? - video 29

      Customs and Festivals:
      Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour célébrer ton anniversaire ? - video 30
      Préfères-tu célébrer ton anniversaire en famille ou avec tes amis et pourquoi ? - video 31
      Quelle est ta fête préférée ? Pourquoi ? - video 32
      Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pour célébrer Noël l’année dernière ? - video 33
      Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire pour célébrer Noël ? - video 34

    Local, national, international and global areas of interest

    • 2 photocards covering the following topics:
      Social issues - video 1
      Global issues - Environment - video 2

    • 19 general conversation videos answering the following questions:

      Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region:
      Décris-moi ta maison ou ta ville - video 3
      Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire dans ta région ? - video 4
      Qu’est-ce que tu aimerais changer dans ta ville ? - video 5
      Préfères-tu habiter en ville ou à la campagne ? - video 6
      Qu’est-ce que tu as fait le week-end dernier dans ta ville ? - video 7
      Comment serait ta maison idéale ? - video 8

      Social Issues:
      Que fais-tu pour aider les gens dans ta région ? - video 9
      Selon toi, quel est le plus grand problème pour les jeunes d’aujourd’hui ? - video 10
      Bois-tu de l’alcool ? Fumes-tu ? - video 11
      Quels sont les problèmes principaux pour les SDF ? - video 14

      Global Issues:
      Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour protéger l’environnement ? Fais-tu du recyclage ? Et ta famille ? - video 12
      Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire pour aider les personnes défavorisées ? - video 13
      Quel est le plus grand problème de notre environnement ? - video 15

      Travel and Tourism:
      Préfères-tu passer tes vacances avec ta famille ou avec tes amis ? Pourquoi ? - video 16
      Où passes-tu tes vacances ? - video 17
      Quelles seraient tes vacances idéales ? - video 18
      Où vas-tu passer passer tes vacances cette année ? - video 19
      Préfères-tu passer tes vacances en ville ou à la campagne ? Pourquoi ? - video 20
      Où as-tu passé tes vacances l’année dernière ? - video 21

    Current and future study and employment

    • 2 photocards covering the following topics:
      Life at school/college - video 1
      Jobs, career choices and ambitions - video 2

    • 13 general conversation videos answering the following questions:

      My studies & life at school/college:
      Quelles sont les qualités d’un bon professeur ? Et qu’est-ce qu’un prof idéal d'après toi ? - video 3
      Décris ton uniforme. Est-ce que tu aimes ton uniforme ? - video 4
      Décris-moi ton collège - video 5
      Décris une journée typique au collège - video 6
      Quelles matières est-ce que tu aimes ? Pourquoi ? - video 7
      Es-tu pour ou contre l’uniforme ? - video 8
      Que penses-tu des règlements scolaires dans ton école ? - video 9
      Comment était ton école primaire ? - video 10

      Education post-16:
      Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire l’année prochaine ? - video 11
      Quelles matières vas-tu étudier au lycée ? - video 12
      Est-ce que tu veux aller à l’université ? Pourquoi ? Pourquoi pas ? - video 13

      Jobs, career choices and ambitions:
      Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour gagner de l’argent ? - video 14
      Quel serait ton emploi idéal ? Que voudrais-tu faire comme travail à l’avenir et pourquoi ? - video 15


    Learning objectives

    This section will help students:

    • familiarise themselves with important aspects of French grammar
    • get used to reading short- and medium-length texts in French
    • learn and use effective reading comprehension techniques
    • familiarise themselves with exam-style reading exercises
    • expand and enrich their vocabulary


    Demo videos

    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle an open question exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a positive/negative exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a gap fill exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a true/false/not mentioned exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a multiple choice exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a testimonial exercise + support guide
    • 2 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a translation from French into English exercise + support guide

    Multiple choice exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets:
      • Sandra's blog - Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
      • Cécile - Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in everyday life
      • Tobacco, alcohol and drugs - Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 2 - Social Issues
      • Arthur's letter - Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 3 - Education Post-16

    True, false or not mentioned exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets:
      • Marc's blog - Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
      • July 14th - Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 4 - Customs and festivals
      • Letter to the mayor - Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood and region
      • The school brochure - Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 3 - Education Post-16

    Positive or negative exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets:
      • Discussing your town - Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood and region
      • In 50 years - Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest,Topic 3 - Global Issues
      • Are school rules good? - Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college
      • The internship - Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 4 - Jobs, career choices and ambitions

    Gap fill exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets:
      • Letter to Theo: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
      • The campsite: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel and Tourism
      • The computer teacher: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 3 - Education Post-16
      • University life: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 4 - Jobs, career choices and ambitions

    Open question exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets
      • The internet: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in everyday life
      • Vincent's blog: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 2 - Social Issues
      • The school routine: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment,Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college
      • Studying abroad: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 4 - Jobs, career choices and ambitions

    Testimonials exercises

    • 4 worksheets + answer sheets
      • Describing friends: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
      • My mobile phone: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in everyday life
      • Summer activities: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel and Tourism
      • A good teacher: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college

    Translation exercises

    • 6 translation exercices from French into English:
      • Tom: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
      • Christmas: Theme 1 - Identity & Culture, Topic 4 - Customs and Traditions
      • SDF: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 2 - Social Issues
      • Our planet: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global Issues
      • My college: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college
      • High school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - Life at school and college


    Learning objectives

    This section will help students:

    • get used to French intonations and pronunciation
    • familiarise themselves with words and phrases they are likely to hear in everyday speech and common topics
    • extract key information from spoken French
    • familiarise themselves with exam-style listening exercises


      Demo videos

      • 3 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a multiple choice exercise + support guide
      • 1 guided video demonstrating how to tackle a positive/negative exercise + support guide
      • 1 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle a finish the sentence exercise + support guide
      • 1 guided videos demonstrating how to tackle an open question exercise + support guide

      Multiple choice exercises

      • 11 audio quizzes + answer sheets:
        • Pierre's family: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friend
        • Weekend activity: Theme 1 - Identity and culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
        • Spare time: Theme 1 - Identity and Culture, Topic 3 - Media and Free time
        • Christmas: Theme 1 - Identity & culture,Topic 4 - Customs and Festivals
        • Weather report: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood and region
        • Where to live: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region
        • Natural disaster: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global Issues - The environment
        • Working for a charity: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global Issues - The environment
        • Worst holiday: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel and tourism
        • Holiday abroad: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel
        • Primary school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college

      Open question exercises

      • 7 audio quizzes + answer sheets:
        • Chloe discusses marriage: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
        • Internet safety: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in Everyday Life
        • Going out or staying home: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 3 - Free time activities
        • Music and films: Theme 1 - Identity & Culture, Topic 3 - Free time activities
        • Why recycling is important: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global issues
        • Asking directions: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel
        • A typical day at school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college

      Positive or negative exercises

      • 5 audio quizzes + answer sheets:
        • Online shopping: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood, region
        • Preferred subject: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies
        • Nice neighbourhood?: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 2 - Social Issues
        • Camping experience: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 4 - Travel
        • Career choices: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 4 - Jobs, career choices

      Finish the sentence exercises

      • 8 audio quizzes + answer sheets
        • Want to have children? - Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 1 - Me, my family and friends
        • Good practices on social media: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in Everyday Life
        • Rihanna on food: Theme 1 - Identity and Culture, Topic 3 - Free time activities
        • Heath issues: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 2 - Social issues
        • Earthquake: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global issues - Environment
        • Ideal secondary school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 2 - Life at school/college
        • University or work: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 3 - Education post-16 & Topic 4 - Jobs and Career
        • Paul's school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & Topic 2 - Life at school/college


      Learning objectives

      This section will help students:

      • learn how to translate from English to French
      • practise dictations
      • improve their orthography, including spelling, punctuation and accents/diacritics
      • learn how to write about a variety of topics


        Demo videos

        • 1 guided video demonstrating how to tackle section A: write a 90 word text + support guide
        • 1 guided video demonstrating how to tackle section B: write a 150 word text + support guide
        • 3 guided videos demonstrating how to handle a translation exercise, from English to French + support guide


        • 10 translation exercises from English to French + answer sheets:
          • Evaluating social media: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 2 - Technology in everyday life
          • An ideal weekend: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 3 - Free-time activities
          • National day of France: Theme 1 - Identity & culture, Topic 4 - Customs and Festivals
          • A small village: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 1 - Home, town, neighbourhood and region
          • Moving house: Theme 2 - Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest, Topic 1 - Home, Town, Neighbourhood and Region
          • Environmental demonstration: Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest, Topic 3 - Global issues
          • I love my country: Theme 2 - Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest, Topic 4 - Travel and tourism
          • The school day: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & Topic 2 - Life at school/college
          • The importance of school: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 1 - My studies & 2 - Life at school/college
          • After my exams: Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment, Topic 3 - Education post-16


        • 10 dictation exercises (quizzes) + answer sheets:
          • 4 dictations covering Theme 1 - Identity & culture
          • 4 dictations covering Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest
          • 2 dictations covering Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment


        Learning objectives

        To get top marks on each of the above sections, students are expected to have a strong command of core French vocabulary. We’ve made teaching vocabulary as simple as possible by dividing the requisite words into more than 60 vocabulary lists, categorised by theme and word class.

        This section will help students:

          • familiarise themselves with different vocabulary topics
          • expand their vocabulary knowledge
          • improve their pronunciation with the help of audio tracks
          • practice through quizzes


        Basic vocabulary

        • 22 lists of basic nouns, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 4 lists of common adverbs (place, time, manner, etc.) with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 2 lists of essential prepositions with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 3 lists of essential connectives with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides

        Identity and culture

        • 10 lists of basic nouns covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 6 lists of verbs covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 7 lists of adjectives covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides

        Local, national, international and global areas of interest

        • 10 lists of nouns covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 4 lists of verbs covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 6 lists of adjectives covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides

        Current and future study and employment

        • 7 lists of nouns covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 2 lists of verbs covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides
        • 3 lists of adjectives covering all topics within this theme, with audio tracks, quizzes + support guides


        Learning objectives

        Conjugation lists are available for 34 key verbs. Each verb is conjugated into 6 tenses: présent, passé composé, imparfait, futur simple, conditionnel and impératif, and each conjugation is accompanied by an audio track to help students perfect their listening and pronunciation, as well as a quiz, to enable students to practice what they learn.

        This section will help students:

        • learn and memorise key verbs
        • improve their pronunciation with the help of audio tracks
        • familiarise themselves with the various conjugations for each verb
        • practice what they learn through quizzes


        Auxiliary verbs

        • être
        • avoir

        Group 1

        • écouter
        • espérer
        • jouer
        • manger
        • oublier
        • passer
        • s'appeler
        • s'habiller
        • se lever
        • travailler

        Group 2

        • accomplir
        • agir
        • choisir
        • finir
        • obéir
        • réussir

        Group 3

        • aller
        • attendre
        • comprendre
        • connaître
        • devoir
        • dire
        • faire
        • lire
        • partir
        • pouvoir
        • prendre
        • savoir
        • sortir
        • venir
        • voir
        • vouloir
        As seen in...