Alexa's Podcast - Episode 3

Posted by Adam on 13th Oct 2017 in Podcasts

Podcast Episode 3 Bread

Are you a baguette person?

Alexa discusses the various French breads including: le pain complet or pain aux céréales (wholemeal bread), le pain de seigle (rye bread), le pain au levain (sourdough bread), la brioche (sweet bread) and le pain de mie (the dreaded sliced bread...).

Learn French With Alexa Podcast Ep03

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Show Notes

Listed below are different types of bread mentioned in this episode:

Types of bread

  • Le pain complet or pain aux céréales (wholemeal bread)
  • Le pain de seigle (rye bread)
  • Le pain au levain (sourdough bread)
  • La brioche (sweet bread)
  • Le pain de mie (the sliced bread in a bag - really really not that popular in France; use only if you have nothing else to make your sandwich or croque-monsieur with and in case of an emergency)
  • Le pain au froment (100 per cent wheat flour)
  • Le pain aux noix (nut bread)
  • Le pain d’épice (gingerbread)


  • La ficelle (thin but firm)
  • La baguette (not as thin as la ficelle but, my gosh, sooo crispy...)
  • La flûte (a bit bigger than la baguette: the "lady" of all bread - just one word for it... CHIC)
  • Le gros pain (the mastodonte of the bread or should I call it the Fat Flûte!)
  • La boule (a bowl - comme son nom l’indique. Never bought it as it is awkward to cut and share! Unless you make a big hole in the middle, slam a camembert in it and put it in the oven for 10 minutes...)  ARGHHHH, NICE!
  • La miche or pain de campagne (a bigger bowl shape but made with sourdough. Don’t cut it, just tear it!!! GRRR..)