Common French verbs from each verb group

Posted by Josh on 26th Feb 2025 in the blog in the learning french category

What are the three verb groups?

Verbs in French fall into three different categories. These are what we call the verb groups.
The first and second groups are known as regular verb groups. The infinitive forms of these verbs end in -er or -ir respectively.

Irregular verbs are verbs which don’t follow the conjugation patterns of regular verbs. The infinitive forms of irregular verbs most often end in -re or -oir, but they can also end in -ir, too,making them easy to confuse for regular verbs. It’s therefore a good idea to learn which verbs follow the irregular pattern so as not to get caught out. For more on the difference between regular and irregular verbs, check out our blog on the subject.

Each group conjugates differently. The two regular verb groups follow standard patterns of conjugation, while irregular verbs, true to their name, each conjugate differently. Below you’ll find the present tense conjugations for the two regular verb groups (-er and -ir), as well as an example of an irregular verb (-oir):


French English
je parle I speak
tu parles you (s) speak
il/elle/on parle he/she/it/one speaks
nous parlons we speak
vous parlez you (pl) speak
ils/elles parlent they speak


French English
je finis I finish
tu finis you (s) finish
il/elle/on finit he/she/it/one finish
nous finissons we finish
vous finissez you (pl) finish
ils/elles finissent they finish


French English
je veux I want
tu veux you (s) want
il/elle/on veut he/she/it/one wants
nous voulons we want
vous voulez you (pl) want
ils/elles veulent they want

You can see the full conjugations lists in the verbs section of the website.

Common verbs from each verb group


French English
aider to help
appeler to call
arrêter to stop, to arrest
arriver to arrive
chercher to look for
donner to give
jouer to play
laisser to leave, to allow, to let
manger to eat
parler to speak
passer to pass, to spend, to go
penser to think, to imagine
rester to stay, to remain, to keep
trouver to find

-ir verbs

French English
agir to act
avertir to warn
bâtir to build
choisir to choose
grossir to gain weight
maigrir to lose weight
punir to punish
réagir to react
réfléchir to reflect, to think
remplir to fill
réussir to succeed
réunir to unite
saisir to seize

Irregular verbs

French English
aller to go
apprendre to learn
comprendre to understand
dire to say
dormir to sleep
être to be
entendre to hear
faire to do, to make
mettre to put, to place
paraître to appear
perdre to lose, to waste
pouvoir to be able to, can
prendre to take
tenir to keep, to hold

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