Essential French spring vocabulary

Posted by Josh on 21st Mar 2025 in the blog in the vocabulary category

Daisies in a field

Spring is fast approaching, meaning it’s the perfect time to kickstart new learning habits. And what better way to improve your French skills than by learning the vocabulary of spring itself?

In France, spring signals a shift in the weather from the cold, dark days of winter to sunlight and much warmer temperatures. You’ll hear people talk about all sorts of flowers, fruits and vegetables that have started to grow, as well as what they plan on doing during the six public holidays that fall during this season.

Below you’ll find some essential vocabulary to help prepare you to discuss all things to do with spring in French. For more vocabulary lists, complete with audio and pronunciation guides, be sure to check out The Complete French Course.

Le temps — Weather

French English
le soleil sun
l'arc-en-ciel rainbow
la pluie rain
chaud(e) warm

Les légumes — Vegetables

French English
la laitue lettuce
l'oignon nouveau spring onion
le chou frisé kale
les épinards spinach
l’aubergine aubergine

Les dates — Dates

French English
le printemps spring
Pâques Easter
le lundi de Pâques Easter Monday
la fête du Travail Labour Day
Victoire de 1945 (8 mai) Victory Day
l'Ascension Ascension Day
le lundi de Pentecôte/la Pentecôte Whit Monday
l’heure d'été Daylight savings time
la fête des Mères Mother's day (falls on the last Sunday in May)
la fête des Pères Father's day (falls on the third Sunday in June)

Les fleurs — Flowers

French English
la marguerite daisy
le muguet lily of the valley
la tulipe tulip
la pensée pansies
la jacinthe hyacinth
la primevère primrose
la jonquille daffodil
le myosotis forget-me-not

Les activités — Activities

French English
faire une promenade to go for a walk
faire une balade à vélo to go for a bike ride
faire du jardinage to do some gardening

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