French Books and Movies for Children and Teenagers

Posted by Nancy on 25th Mar 2020 in the blog in the learning french category

In English

With children and teenagers off schools indefinitely, parents everywhere are looking for ideas to keep them occupied. Two of the best sources of entertainment are of course books and movies. At Learn French with Alexa, we believe that those two sources can be both entertaining and educational. Does your child or teenager take French in school? Why not get him or her to practice their French during this confinement period by consuming French media. Consuming media is one of the best ways to practice a language, especially for children and teenagers. The Learn French with Alexa team has put together a list of books and movies to help you keep your children entertained during this period. We will keep searching for the best materials, so be sure to bookmark this page as it will be updated every time we find a new gem.

En Français

Avec les enfants et les adolescents à la maison indéfiniment, les parents dans le monde entier cherchent des idées pour les occuper. Les livres et les films sont deux des meilleures sources de divertissement. Chez Learn French with Alexa, nous pensons que ces deux sources peuvent être à la fois divertissantes et éducatives. Votre enfant ou adolescent apprend-il le français à l'école? Pourquoi ne pas lui faire pratiquer son français pendant cette période de confinement en consommant les médias français. La consommation des médias est l'un des meilleurs moyens de pratiquer une langue, en particulier pour les enfants et les adolescents. L'équipe Learn French with Alexa a préparé une liste de livres et de films pour vous aider à divertir vos enfants pendant cette période. Nous continuerons à rechercher les meilleurs matériaux, alors assurez-vous de mettre cette page en signet car elle sera mise à jour chaque fois que nous trouverons un nouveau bijou.

Books | Livres:

Les Aventures de Tintin

  • Les Aventures de Tintin is a series of 24 comic strips by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi. The series follows the title character Tintin around the world on different adventures. It's recommended for children aged nine and up in terms of reading comprehension, but they are suitable for all ages in terms of content.


  • The Adventures of Astérix is a French comic strip about Gaulish warriors. Each comic follows Astérix and his friend Obélix around the world. It's a lighthearted

Le Petit Prince

  • A classic loved by many. Le Petit Prince is for those who have reached an intermediate level to read as it is full of complicated vocabulary and tenses. It's full of many wonderful life lessons, and I have many many memories of my time reading it when I was a child.

Le Petit Nicolas

  • This classic series of French children's books share the adventures of Nicolas, a French boy living in a French city in the sixties.


  • A series of 52 volumes that features a female superhero named Fantômette. It follows Françoise Dupont, a girl of about twelve years who dresses up as a superhero in order to fight crime. It is the perfect series to keep your child entertained throughout this entire isolation period.

Movies | Films:


  • Kiriku is the story of a tiny little boy born into an African village upon which a sorceress called Karaba has cast a terrible spell. There are three movies, all of them are available on YouTube to buy or rent. The movies are funny, imaginative and great for the whole family to enjoy.

Astérix et Cléopâtre

  • Astérix et Cléopâtre is the second Astérix adventure to be made into a film. It follows Astérix and his friends Obélix and Panoramix as they venture to ancient Egypt to help their Numerobis with the task of building a palace for Cleopatra. It's a very entertaining movie, filled with musical numbers and witty dialogue between the characters, and of course, a little bit of magic.

Une vie de chat

  • Une vie de chat is an adventure film that follows a young Parisian girl whose cat leads her to unravel a thrilling mystery throughout a single evening.


  • Loup is a beautiful live-action film that takes place in the Siberian mountains. It follows Sergeï, a 16-year old living in a clan which his father is chief. The movie follows his relationship with their beautiful wolves and the fight to keep them safe.

La Guerre des boutons

  • Based in a village in the South of France, this live-action film follows the story of a group of young boys at war with the neighbouring village's boys. The film is full of lighthearted scenes, while also touching on serious subjects, great for teenagers.

Le Grand Méchant Renard et autre contes

  • This animated movie tells the story of the Big Bad Fox who as it turns out, is not all that bad. It's full of adventures and interesting characters, great for the whole family.

In English

Children's films and books are a lot of fun and a great way to learn the basics of a new language. We hope the media we listed will help your children gain exposure to both the language and French culture at the same time.

En Français

Les films et les livres pour enfants sont très amusants et constituent un excellent moyen d'apprendre les rudiments d'une nouvelle langue. Nous espérons que les médias que nous avons énumérés aideront vos enfants à être exposés à la fois à la langue et à la culture française en même temps.

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