Romantic French Vocabulary

Posted by Josh on 8th Feb 2025 in the blog in the valentine's day category

Flowers and perfume

They say French is the language of love, which means if you want to express your romantic intentions to someone, you really ought to learn French.

Of course, it helps if they can speak French too. And if they can’t? You may well save yourself some embarrassment…

Whether you’re trying to impress your partner or looking to ask a French speaker out on a date, why not introduce yourself to some of some essential romantic French vocabulary?

Valentine’s Day Vocabulary

French English
Saint-Valentin, la fête des amoureux Valentine’s Day
l’amour love
le rendez-vous date
romantique romantic
la relation relationship
le bisou kiss
le câlin hug
la lettre d'amour, le billet doux love letter
les chocolats chocolates
les fleurs flowers
la bougie candle
le parfum perfume
le restaurant restaurant
le cadeau gift
la bague ring
déclarer sa flamme to declare one's love
tomber amoureux/amoureuse to fall in love

Valentine’s Day Phrases

French English
Je t’aime I love you
Je suis fou de toi/folle de toi I am mad about you
Tu veux sortir avec moi ? Do you want to go out with me?
Joyeuse Saint-Valentin ! Happy valentine’s day!

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