Alexa Podcasts
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Alexa and her co-stars discuss: wine 🍇

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 10
Alexa interviews Janine Marsh, the author of 'My Good Life In France'.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 9
Alexa talks to Sarah about the Christopher Nolan film Dunkirk - all in French.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 8
Alexa talks to her French neighbour Laurent about his experiences learning English in England.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 7
Caroline interviews Alexa about how she started on YouTube.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 6
Alexa speaks to her neighbour Laurent about Christmas in Paris Chinatown.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 5
Alexa speaks to one of her subscribers, Elaine, about the trials and tribulations of learning French.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 4
In this podcast episode, Alexa discusses the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 3
Adam discovers Alexa's extensive knowledge of French bread...

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 2
Alexa speaks to Sarah about her experience growing up and living in the Congo in central Africa which has many languages including the official language of French.

Alexa's Podcast - Episode 1
Alexa's new audio podcast - episode 1