Essential French autumn vocabulary

Posted by Josh on 6th Nov 2024 in the blog in the learning french category

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Autumn is here, which means it’s a moment of change - whether that means in the weather, in the length of the days, or in our practices and ambitions when it comes to learning French.

For some learners, autumn means the start of a new school year. For others, it’s the time to knuckle down and adopt new learning strategies after relaxing during the summer. In either case, now is the perfect time to expand your knowledge of the French language, and what better way than to learn some autumnal vocabulary?

Below is a curated list of French autumnal vocabulary.

Weather — Le Temps

English French
rain la pluie
wind le vent
storm la tempête
cold froid(e)
rainy pluvieux/pluvieuse

Fruit/Vegetables — Les fruits / Les légumes

English French
pumpkin la citrouille
beetroot la betterave
carrot la carotte
broccoli le brocoli
potato la pomme de terre
cauliflower le chou-fleur
squash la courge
apple la pomme
quince le coing
pear la poire
fig la figue

Colours — Les couleurs

English French
orange orange
red rouge
green vert(e)
burgundy bordeaux
chestnut châtaigne
cedar cèdre

Trees — Les Arbres

English French
oak le chêne
birch le bouleau
beech le hêtre
willow le saule
ash (tree) le frêne
sycamore le sycomore
leaves les feuilles

Dates — Les dates

English French
autumn/fall l'automne
October 31st Halloween Halloween
November 1st / All Saints' Day la Toussaint
November 11th: | Armistice Day l’armistice du 11 novembre

Activities — Les activités

English French
going for a walk faire une promenade
celebrating Halloween célébrer Halloween
going to a pumpkin patch se rendre dans un champ de citrouilles
Montmartre Harvest Festival la fête des vendanges de Montmartre

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