French conjunctive phrases

Posted by Josh on 19th Mar 2025 in the blog in the learning french category

What is a conjunctive phrase in French?

A conjunctive phrase is a conjunction made up of more than one word. It acts in the same way as regular conjunctions such as et and ou, and is used to link two clauses together.

Below you’ll find some common conjunctive phrases used in French. Notice how many of them end in que, which can be a sign that you’re dealing with a conjunctive phrase.

French English
ainsi que just as, so as
alors que while, whereas
à mesure que as
après que after, when
aussitôt que as soon as
de même que just as
depuis que since
dès que as soon as
parce que because
pendant que while
quand bien même even though/if
sauf que except that
sitôt que as soon as
tant que as long as/as much as
tandis que while, whereas
vu que seeing as

The conjunctive phrases above are all followed by verbs in the indicative mood.

Below you’ll find a list of conjunctive phrases followed by verbs in the subjunctive mood. (For more information about when we use the subjunctive, be sure to check out Lesson 30 of The Complete French Course.)

French English
à condition que provided that, as long as
afin que so that
à moins que* unless
avant que* before
bien que although
de crainte que* for fear that
de peur que* for fear that
en admettant que assuming that
en attendant que while, until
encore que even though
jusqu'à ce que until
pour que so that
pourvu que provided that
quoi que whatever, no matter what
sans que* without

* These phrases require the "ne" explétif. Find out more about this in Lesson 31 of the Complete French Course.

Now let’s take a look at a few examples.

Nous partirons aussitôt que vous serez prêts - We will leave as soon as you are ready

Elles lisent pendant que tu fais tes devoirs
- They are reading while you are doing your homework

On fera une balade à vélo à condition qu'il fasse beau
- We will go for a bike ride as long as the weather is nice

Il est sorti bien qu'il fasse froid - He went out although it was cold

Elle n'a pas réveillé le chien de crainte qu’il ne se mette à aboyer
- She didn’t wake up the dog for fear he would start barking

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