Posted by Nancy on 21st May 2020 in the blog in the category


April showers brought along beautiful May flowers and beautiful weather. I don't know about you guys, but I had plans to be on holiday in France this month. Whether in the hustle and bustle of Paris or the calm of the countryside, France is always a good idea.


Après la pluie du mois de mai viennent les belles fleurs de mai et un temps magnifique. Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais j'avais prévu de partir en vacances en France ce mois-ci. Que ce soit dans l'agitation de Paris ou le calme de la campagne, la France est toujours une bonne idée.


Unfortunately for all of us, the devastating impact of Covid-19 means that the state of travel for the rest of the summer is still unknown. Even those in France are marred with restrictions and cannot fully enjoy their beautiful country. Some of us are still on lockdown at home, others are grieving, we are still experiencing trying times.

For those of us grieving for postponed holidays (especially if you've been unable to get a refund), we have a few tips that may help you bring France home and allow you to enjoy a few luxuries without needing to board a plane or train.


Malheureusement pour nous tous, l'impact dévastateur de Covid-19 signifie que l'état des voyages pour le reste de l'été est encore inconnu. Même ceux en France sont entachés de restrictions et ne peuvent pas profiter pleinement de leur beau pays. Certains d'entre nous sont toujours en confinement à la maison, d'autres sont en deuil, nous vivons toujours des moments difficiles.

Pour ceux d'entre nous qui pleurent des vacances reportées (surtout si vous n'avez pas pu obtenir de remboursement), nous avons quelques conseils qui peuvent vous aider à ramener la France à la maison et vous permettre de profiter de quelques luxes sans avoir à monter dans un avion ou un train .

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1. Cook something French! One of the best ways to experience a culture is through food. There are so many recipes you can try to bring the calming aromas of French cuisine into your home. Alexa shared her favourite ones here. Feel free to browse and let us know in the comment section which one you will be trying out.

2. Watch French movies and TV shows: Alexa has been hosting a monthly movie night with the help of Netflix party. During the first movie night, we watched The African Doctor, a heartwarming movie about a Congolese doctor and his family's adventures in the French countryside. During the second movie night, we watched 10 Jours en Or, an equally heartwarming movie. Netflix is also full of other gems that suit all ages. If you are into drama, we recommend the series "The Bonfire of Destiny", it's an amazing French tv show that will have you tied to the edge of your seat.

3. Read a good book. Get lost in a French novel. The weather is beautiful enough to read outside in a park (don't forget to respect social distancing rules).

4. Learn French! What better to do than to continue practicing your French skills? It's the best thing to do for yourself. You can always subscribe to a LFWA course or catch up on her YouTube videos.

As always, the LFWA team is always here for all your French learning needs. Stay safe and bisou bisou!

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