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Posted on by Nancy in the tips, learning french category

Learning a new language is wonderful, exciting and everything in between, but it can also be scary sometimes! Especially having to speak when you are unsure of the pronunciation…Take French for example, all those pesky “R” and silent letters, why oh why do they have to be there if it is not to be pronounced?

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Posted on by Nancy in the tips, learning french category

Whether it is knitting, wood carving, or learning a language, learning a new skill takes motivation and effort. A critical aspect of learning something new is that it should be an enjoyable experience. So the best way to start learning French is to set yourself an achievable target but most of all realistic.

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Three Specific Tips to Learn French

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

Bonjour, comment ça va? So you've fallen in love with the French language. Its beauty, the way every word sounds poetic, almost like you are singing a love song, but are still struggling with masculin and feminin? Fret not, the Learn French with Alexa team has three tips to help you with memorization, pronunciation and more.

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Ask Alexa: June's FAQs

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french, frequently asked questions category

Last month, we received many French questions for Alexa via social media. Our community members on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube were very curious. We did our best to answer as many questions as possible during the month.

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Learning French from A0 to C2

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

One of the most popular questions we receive at Learn French with Alexa is "how soon after starting your subscription course, can I jump from CEFR level A0 to C2?" It seems you all want to learn French as fast as lightning. Whether for a holiday, career prospects or a move, everyone is in a hurry. Unfortunately, French is a language that takes time to learn effectively.

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Ask Alexa: May FAQ

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french, frequently asked questions category

Last month, we received many French questions for Alexa via social media. Our community members on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube were very curious. We did our best to answer as many questions as possible during the month. Below you will find the most popular questions we received in May. We hope to share our top questions every month in order to help as many French learners as possible.

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French accents and keyboards

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

One of the most popular questions we receive at Learn French with Alexa (LFWA) is "how to type French accents". É, è, ê, ë and ç are still the bain of existence, despite French being my first language. The French language uses five different accents to indicate variations in pronunciation and distinguish between similar words. Those accents are accent aigu (é), accent grave (è), accent circonflexe (ê), cédille (ç) and tréma (ë).

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How to Successfully Learn a New Language Online

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

According to Luis von Ahn, there are more people actively learning a language through DuoLingo than the entire US public school system. I'm sure that figure rings true for French, and other popular languages.

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Wednesday Live with Alexa Summary

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

To help you stay entertained and knowledgeable during the quarantine period, Alexa hosts a live Q&A on YouTube every Wednesday at 7PM GMT.

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Do Language Apps Really Work?

Posted on by Nancy in the learning french category

Now more than ever, people want to learn new skills. At the top of the list is learning a new language. Many people are turning to their mobile devices to do just that.

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