Blog Posts

about french-culture

5 French women to celebrate during Women's History Month

Posted on by Nancy in the french culture category

On Monday, 8 March, the world came together to celebrate International Women’s Rights Day. This month of March, at LFWA, we are celebrating extraordinary women all month long (and throughout the year). We have put together a list of 5 French women to celebrate during Women’s History Month. These women were amazing trailblazers, the work they did paved the way for so many after them.

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Hilarious English to French Movie Title Translations

Posted on by Nancy in the french culture category

I grew up in a francophone household. All the movies we watched were translated into French. The translated titles were very interesting even then, before I knew they were not the originals. I was eleven years old when I discovered that Maman j'ai raté l'avion (Mum, I missed the plane) and Maman je m'occupe des méchants (Mum, I'm taking care of the bad guys) were actually the same movies as Home alone one, two and three to all my anglophone school friends.

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How Widely Spoken is French?

Posted on by Nancy in the french culture category

When most people think of French, they usually only think of France. Other popular suspects include Belgium, Switzerland and Canada. Did you know that French is the official language of twenty-nine countries and territories?

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Netflix Party with Alexa!

Posted on by Adam in the french culture category

On Thursday 2nd April 2020, Alexa and fans watched a movie together!

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Ten Famous French Food Specialities

Posted on by Adam in the french culture category

Famous for its gastronomy and fashion, France is full of many traditional dishes that can not be found anywhere else.

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Does size really matter?

Posted on by Adam in the video, french culture category

Alexa reminisces about French bread and visits a French bakery

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Alexa plays the French card game - Tarot.

Posted on by Adam in the video, french culture category

Alexa plays the French card game called Tarot. (Nothing to do with fortune telling...)

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Raclette Evening

Posted on by Adam in the video, french culture category

Have you ever eaten a French raclette?

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Top 10 French films that changed my life...

Posted on by Adam in the misc., french culture, french media category

Ok here I am again and I still do not know what to write on my blog. There are only so many necklaces made out of paper clips that one can make ... Ok, let's sit still for a minute and come up with something interesting... The top 10 French films that changed my life....for the best.... I think... well I will come back to you on this one!

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April Fools Day in France

Posted on by Adam in the french culture category

Did you know that April fools day is called poisson d'Avril in France? It is traditional to cut a fish shape out of a piece of paper and stick it on someone's back without them seeing it.

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